American Bear Association Receives Brett Favre Signature Helmet for Banquet

Many exciting raffle and auction items have been obtained for the banquet to benefit the bears on Sept 25th in Orr, MN.

ORR, MN—September 14, 2010—The American Bear Association is pleased to announce the inclusion of the Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favres signature for their banquet on Sept 25th in Orr, MN at the American Legion.

Many area businesses, resorts, visitors, artists and photographers have graciously given donations to the American Bear Association’s 1st Annual Banquet. These items range from vacation stays, to hunting and fishing trips, to fancy artwork, but nothing compares to the item that was recently donated. The prized possession at the banquet is going to be a certified Minnesota Vikings helmet signed by Brett Favre himself.

“The sanctuary has always had many unusual and different connections,” says American Bear Association banquet chairman Carl Racchini, “We are using these connections to our advantage and are excited about Favres signed helmet. Ultimately our whole goal is to gain funds for our environmental education and research center.” Adds Racchini, “In fact, it seems like every day we can’t wait to see what is in the mail, or who is going to call us about a donation.”

“We still have some seats left at the banquet but they are going fast,” states Racchini, “especially since word is getting around about our new Minnesota Vikings quarterback signed helmet.”

Currently, tickets for the banquet can be purchased online at or by calling the American Bear Association office at 218-757-0172. Items can still be donated for the banquet by sending them to the American Bear Association office.

The American Bear Association was established as a nonprofit organization in 1995. Thousands of people visit the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary every year to view and learn about black bears, their behavior, habitat needs and life cycles. It is known by photographers as “the best place in North American to photograph wild black bears in their natural habitat.” The Sanctuary hosts the public each Tuesday through Sunday, from 5PM till dusk, between Memorial Day and Labor Day and closed on Mondays. September 5th is their last day of operation. For more information visit the website